I got covid at the tyler show
Is this industry for me? For anyone?
March 21st, 2022
March 16th, 2022. Tyler is coming to Bojangles Coliseum in my home city- Charlotte. I am willing to pay the ridiculous resale price to get the full GA experience, moshing and all. I should not be surprised if I get Covid. I’m not surprised I got Covid.
I am surprised at how easy it was to forget that was a possibility. How easy it was to attempt to renew my subscription to pre-pandemic life.
For stadium artists like Tyler, the performance has requisites: an arena, detailed stage designs, lighting rigs, fireworks, and ultimately, a large sum of fans ready to show up and animate the world.
I just start to wonder if there’s another way for fans to gain entry to these worlds. A way that doesn’t implicitly suggest putting your health at risk. A way that doesn’t give shitty resellers so much power. A way that disregards financial or able privilege.
This is how the music industry has operated even before Covid. I thought we were collectively interested in changing systems, looking for something new? Maybe that line of thinking isn’t convenient as it was in 2020. As I’m starting to understand what a platform in music could look like, I want to consider if the tropes of this industry are even for me. How could I re-envision what a live show looks like? How do I look out for everyone that may support my music and want to access to my world? How do I make it safe and accessible?
It was a very fun and memorable show. And I was sad to see young women stumbling out of the pit looking only a fraction of okay. And I am sad I got Covid and put my loved ones at risk. I’m learning to be okay with those feelings co-existing.